‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات How To. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات How To. إظهار كافة الرسائل

[Free] Download TELECom Anti-Malware 5.0 Virus Removal Tool Full Version 100% Tested

TELECom Android Anti-Malware 5.0 User Manual (Activation)
Again i would like to describe how to activate to use this tool. As you know, this tool is not freeware and not allow to use free but as trial, we allow 5 times to use without paid. if you tested and enjoy, you can buy this tool. Therefore, you need to activate.
1. Click the activate button on the title bar of this tool. (as shown in fig)
2. when Registration dialog box appear, mark the 16 characters which is beside the "Your serial is". And then send to us these serial key with money order such as paypal or visa. Don't request the activation key on public area such as on facebook comments or on facebook posts. You can request from Messenger, Viber, SMS or phone call.
3. When you get the activation key, type these on "type your activation here" field. (shown in fig). One thing to notice is the activation key is not change on OS installation. So if you need to install OS, don't worry about that. After installing OS, you can easily use with old activation key and not need to request another one. If you desire to request the activation key next time, you need to send us "TELEComActLib.dll" file on root folder of this tool immediately after activation is completed.
4. And then click activate button. When you click activate button, the tool will close, and relaunch automatically. When relaunching, if you see "ACTIVATED" on title bar, your activation process is done.
5. See Image

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