Protect your privacy before selling the Android phone

Protect your privacy before selling the Android phone. 

Delete your photos from your phone before selling it in a way that guaranteed and tested. 

I will speak in my article today about an issue of concern to a lot of smart phone users especially those who  
Are afraid of selling their phones rang, fearful of retrieve photos and videos and their important files so it will give you 
Today sure way and tried to do the final deletion of these files and photos and videos from your phone the Android 

-And to you in the following ways:

First way:
     Method of transferring files.
 First: Transfer images and videos from the internal memory of the phone to the external SD memory.
 In this way I have given the processor a command to transfer the entire internal memory to external memory.. 

The second method:

How to encrypt files and private photos and videos 
In this way the application is installed to encrypt photos and videos such as application Vault application download link :

click here

After Encrypting files and private photos and videos 
We do a restore factory settings of the device 
In this case we will ensure not recover your data 

Method 3:
 The way to fill your Android phone with photos, videos and non-important movies has no value

 After deleting your photos and videos, follow these steps:

 - Fill your phone's memory with photos, videos, and movies that are not important until the phone gives you a message that the phone memory is full.
 - Then delete these not important photos, videos and movies from your phone
 Then repeat these steps two or three times
 So be sure to delete all your files from the final delete device ...

Fourth method:

The Rename method
This method is very tired and take more time so that way when you want to delete a picture or two be faster 
The steps
 1 / Rename and edit the task with the deletion of the extension and prefer the file name on behalf of the system such as the System for when you use the restore programs, you will notice a change in the form of images and videos to an unknown file.

2 / The point is done before the name so that you make the hidden file like .system

By following one of the previous methods can check that files were deleted from the phone 

In this case if you use any apps to restore files to identify the reason for photos and videos
To find that any applications throughout her 
Where the applications contain Omer you restore any file with an extension such as Gif-JPG-img

Been bhamdllh

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 It was a praise

 I hope that the explanation will be appreciated and useful and easy to understand ..

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