How to resolve the problem Application Not Installed

How to resolve the problem
Application Not Installed

welcome of you our blog's visitor , i will be very happy if i shared this post with you to solve the problem of the application is not installed ..when you try to installed it in your phone 

Resolving the application problem is not installed
There are more than one Solution to resolve this problem..

- I will tell you all this ways to resolve this problem:

First: we try to delete any application is not important in your Android device and this is the possibility that there is not enough space to install the application, causing this problem to appear.

Second: try to re-initialize the applications from the device settings and then the applications and then do the reset applications.

Thirdly: after the mplementation of the initial steps and the second we are working to restart the machine and then we are working to re-install the application.

Fourth: the possibility of the application may be an old version, we make sure the new version of the application or may be packaged application and therefore make sure when downloading the application from the Internet it must be downloaded without any interruption
Fifth: if the previous steps do not work
We work the application to erase the data and then remove and then reinstall the application again.

Sixth: is necessary to make sure the application is compatible with the processor architecture system of the device There are five types of architecture processor:
To check the system architecture of the device's processor, enter the device settings, then about the phone, then information about the components and processor type as shown in the following picture
So there are applications that come designed on the processor architecture type of the device
There are applications that come compatible with all types of architectural processors
So we have to be focused on that and understand the type of special processor architecture in our machine ...

Seventh: if all previous steps do not work
you should do restore factory settings to your device.

I hope you have solved the problem and any query or question please write it in the comment to answer it by us ..

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